Graham Lawrence

Graham Lawrence, the founder of this site, now has his own personal and professional website. This website called Graham Lawrence features his work as a publisher, editor, teacher, trainer, designer and educational administrator rather than as a writer although his forthcoming book is mentioned on it. Several of the pieces first published here will be… Continue reading Graham Lawrence

A Start and an End

With the new notion of perpetual writing which this author fully subscribes to and sees as natural, all works will now be posted straight to the confusionism blog by this author and indexed under the G’s Writing page. Writings categorized in traditional ways as intended on this blog will no longer be added to. Check confusionism or G’s Writing… Continue reading A Start and an End

Categorized as Writing

Kaosarn Evening

Night on the Kaosarn road was very different from the morning. The sidewalks brimmed with stalls selling every kind of tape and some CDs of every kind of music that any traveller would ever lust for. Tapes still ruled supreme in Kaosarn in those days. Competing sound flew from every stall. The world of unregulated… Continue reading Kaosarn Evening

The History Man

Fresher’s day, or it may have even been week for all I can remember, at PNL was a chance to meet other students including if you were lucky some you may even get on with or at least share some interest with. A quick tour of the hall where all the clubs were touting for… Continue reading The History Man


Joe’s guest house strangely registers less in my memory than some other places I later stayed. It was however my first guest house on the Kaosarn strip. Joes could and still to this day can be found on the little alley that runs adjacent to Kaosarn. Joes at that time had a number of rooms… Continue reading Joe’s


I first met Ching when studying at the Polytechnic of North London. It was not one of Britain or even London’s best institutes but it did have the advantage of being relatively easy to get into, which was a bigger advantage than many may think when you had only two A-level passes and both at… Continue reading In


The taxi arrived at Khaosan sometime between ten and eleven. Khaosan is relatively quiet at this time of the day. The restaurants that were scattered along the street with cheap guest houses and the odd shop were mostly sparsely populated. We pulled up outside one. There was a step down into the open fronted Hello… Continue reading Hello


For six years before leaving London I had been living in a squat that I had opened up myself with a little help from my then girlfriend Ching. We had identified two possibilities in the Deverill Point one of the Trowbridge Estate towers the later demolition of which can still be viewed on the internet.… Continue reading Doors


I first landed in Bangkok at around 9 in the morning on August 12, 1993. It was the Queen of Thailand’s birthday and a national holiday. The descent through the clouds above Bangkok and the woozy clouds of my sleepless journey showed a mattress of houses, tower blocks and factories below and it was raining,… Continue reading Landed


Running away, you are always running away from things is a constant refrain I hear whether in my mind or from the voice of others I am not even sure anymore, but can you deny the truth from whatever direction it comes. Was I running away from London, my home of some 30 years or… Continue reading Running